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The future of planet Earth is in our  hands. Therefore, we can either nourish it or destroy it. Heritage of Service Trust (HOST) has chosen to nourish it but we can't do much without your support and cooperation.



On one hand the world's population is growing almost uncontrollably. on the other hand the world's natural resources are  getting depleted almost uncontrollably.

How then do we strike a balance?

Greed seems to be saying "depopulate the world and leave just enough people for the dwindling resources." Wisdom/God says, "multiply until you are as the sand of the sea". In other words, we should allow the population to continue growing at the prevailing rate if not higher, while we, jointly with God, explore safer and innovative ways of using our natural resources.

By the way, the wise describe innovation as 99% divine inspiration and 1% hard work. The problem arises when we exchange the percentages, we immediately dry the well of innovation.

Guided by God our organization has come up with a priceless farming technology which will make it unnecessary for anyone to buy most basic food items from supermarkets. Instead anyone can now be a farmer, producing enough food for one's family with little or no sweat at all.


Gender and Women Empowerment

What is the difference between gender and sex?


Heritage of Service Trust subscribes to the following

definition: Gender refers to behaviours and roles that society gives to male and female human beings.

Sex refers to the biological differences between male and female human beings.



Like all responsible non-profit organizations, we mainstream pandemics into our primary mission activities. Today it's HIV/AIDS and tomorrow it will be something else.

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© 2006 by HOST. Heritage of Service Trust

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